Friday, August 30, 2024

And That's A Wrap!

It's officially the end of the 2024 pool season here at the ole homestead!

I closed my pool today, yippie!  I have it down to a science now and banged it out in a couple three hours.

It's always bittersweet, as it signals the end of the season, however, it's also a welcome end too.  With the pool to bed I no longer need to maintain it - skim, vacuum, add chemicals and run the pump.

Plus, this is the second season where the pool was used ONCE!  All my hard work for not, so I am very happy to have it closed and buttoned up for the season.

It's good timing too to keep the leaves out!  There are a couple Box Elder trees just over the rear property line and they are super messy trees, just like Ash trees.  With the few nights we've had in the 50's, and the lack of rain, the leaves are already turning yellow and dropping, AND I was tired of constantly skimming the pool to clean these out.

One less expense and thing to worry about.  All in all a win in my book!

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