Wednesday, August 07, 2024

I Guess It's Called Progress...

I took a break from working in the yard the other afternoon, hopped on my motorcycle and rode to the Westwood cemetery to visit my folks.

It was the first time I've visited since the fall, so I was taken aback when I pulled in and saw what looks to be an expansion taking place.  The plot where my folks are buried was a peaceful spot that was nicely shaded for a good portion of the day.  However, now with the clearcutting that was done, there is NO shade.  I find it too open now, and sadly not as comforting and peaceful.

I'm sure the area being worked on will look nice when they're done but just won't be the same.

You can barely see the headstone, below, with how BIG these two Hosta plants have become.  Come the fall I will divide these dudes up, maybe even move them to each side of the headstone versus in front.  Of course I'll bring some home with me to plant here at the ole homestead.  I'm a fan of most variegated plants and especially like the yellow and deep green colors of these hostas.

View of the "progress" from just over the headstone -

View from the access road leading up to mom and dads plot -

I will also tell you that this cemetery is filling up based on all the new plots and headstones I saw, which explains and makes sense on this new expansion work.  I just hope their master plan keeps the serenity, peacefulness and beauty in mind as they expand.  Change is inevitable...

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