Sunday, August 04, 2024

First Frye Monarch Caterpillar!

I spied my first Monarch caterpillar ever here at the ole homestead!

Oddly enough it wasn't on one of my milkweed plants, rather it was climbing on the wire fence.  Of course, thinking I was helping I moved it to one of the milkweeds but it was too fidgety and made it's way to the ground rather quickly - 

My assumption is that this dude was searching for a suitable place where it could make it's chrysalis.  I'll poke around in that area again to see if I can spot the chrysalis.

Here are just some of the milkweed plants I have this year.  They've really done well and are taking over, which I luv! 

There are oodles of seed pods coming along too, so hopefully there will be even more plants that pop up!

I've searched the plants but yet to see any signs of spot any additional caterpillars but I'll keep looking  Hoping they are more out there and I'm just not spotting them.  Fingers crossed.

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