Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Hide And Seek - Found Yeah!

 I was puttering in my yard the other afternoon and doing some weeding, dead-heading and pruning, which are endless tasks.  I swear the weeds reappear seemingly overnight and always twice as big, UGH.

As I always do, I cut the spent flower stems from the above hosta and since it's located next to the pool gate and gets so big I typically cut back the leaves that grows into the opening.

As I was in the process of doing just that, pruning shears in my right hand and a handful of the hosta leaves in my left but as I was pulling the leaves back to make my first cut, I noticed this BIG dude dug in the cool dirt, click the link below - 

I didn't want to disturb this dude or risk scaring it off, so pruning of this plant will have to wait.  Toads have an appetite for insects, especially slugs, so I want this dude to stick around for a long time in the hopes he keeps gorging and growing!

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