Saturday, August 03, 2024

I Named Him\Her Ranger Rick!

Well, well, well, what do we have here?!

So, at just after 4AM this morning, as I'm waiting for Trixie to do her "business", I hear this unique noise coming in my back yard.  I thought perhaps it was an owl, so grabbed my flashlight and started scanning the area where the noise was coming from but couldn't see anything.

With Trixie safely back in the house, and sporting nothing but a flashlight in hand and wearing only a pair of tighty-whities, I made my way down my deck stairs and towards the noise.

Very much to my surprise was this youngster, Ranger Rick, snared in my hav-a-heart trap!  Seems this pup has a hanker'n for strawberries.

I waited till daylight, took some pic, then opened the trap door to set him\her free.  Even though I no longer have chickens, a couple of my neighbors do, so I gave him\her a stern talking to about leaving them alone and sticking to raiding trash cans!

He\she was extremely cautious and wouldn't move even though the door was propped open.  I was hoping to capture his\her run to freedom on video but he\she wasn't having it, so I made my way back onto my deck and within several minutes he\she darted out and off.

I hope he\she, or what it's pronouns are, listens to my advice.

Also, pretty sure the neighbors think I'm odd already, so me parading around my backyard at 4AM in my skivvies is not something they'll think twice about 😉... 

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