Saturday, August 17, 2024

Tale Of The Tape

So, the route I take on my daily walks takes me through some nice, peaceful neighborhoods with some older homes and some newer.

It's that time of the year around here where many homes are preparing for the upcoming New England winter and having their driveways sealed. Several have even had their driveways replaced too. In each instance the companies performing the work put up stakes with yellow warning tape, see above, to prevent folks from treading.  This warning tape is strung along the end of the driveway but also along each side where the sidewalks are.

I understand the overall principle behind this, especially with all the selfish, clueless, inconsiderate people these days but what I am finding is that the homeowners are keeping this yellow tape up for WEEKS!

At what point does this cause an inconvenience to all the folks that use the sidewalks?!  Sure, not a big deal to walk around these and I have no problem doing so but when it drags on for several weeks it starts to become a bit much.  What of the folks pushing a baby carriage?  Navigating around these barriers isn't as easy with granite curbing for example and often times, at least on my early morning walks, the grass is wet.  Wet feet when walking is no fun. Or kiddos on bikes even?

I would assume that after a week the sealant is sufficiently dry, and if a new driveway was poured, it surly is cured enough for foot traffic.  I've been understanding and considerate to you all these past weeks, now it's the homeowners turn to think about others and maybe just remove the tape that is blocking the sidewalks.

What are your thoughts?!

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