Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Great Balls Of Fire!

My Marigolds are on fire!

I've always made it a habit to plant marigolds alongside my vegetable plants, especially my tomatoes.  They're known to repel many pests that can damage vegetable plants.  They can also attract predatory insects like ladybugs, lacewings, hoverflies, and parasitic mini-wasps that eat aphids and other pests.

However, I'm finding that many of these so-called gardening tips are just not true.  for example, I've found (5) tomato hornworm caterpillars doing a number on my tomato plants this year or how Irish Spring soap, grated up deters deer and rabbits - POPPYCOCK I tell yeah or using decoy cabbage moths to keep the real ones away.  Perhaps, it's just me but I've tried the above and many more and they simply do not work.

Regardless, when I saw these at the nursery this spring I grabbed them immediately and they have not disappointed!  They're called "Fireball", which seems to be appropriate, as they're colors are so deep, especially against the green of the plant.

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