Friday, August 16, 2024

Looked Like A Statue

I spy with my little eye...

I came across this juvenile red tailed hawk this morning on my walk.

I spotted him right away and assumed it would take off as I got closer but noppers, just sat right there.  I was literally a couple feet away from this beauty and it didn't move or seem bothered by my presence.

Now, it did look a bit water logged, perhaps from the rains we recently had, but otherwise fine.  I was tempted to give it a nudge but didn't want to overstep, so I let it be and went on my way.  Hoping it's fine and was just resting and scoping out the area -

If I could rationalize with it I would have told it about all the delicious wild rabbits I have in my yard and would have tried to convince it to let me take it home to a nice wabbit meal...

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