Friday, October 13, 2023

FPD Parking Anxiety Perhaps?!

Franklin's finest but clearly not the brightest!

This police officer was onsite at the Shaw's market here in Franklin today helping, well more like struggling from what I witnessed, to assist a woman who had locked her keys in the car.  Great right!  I didn't stick around but fairly certain he was able to eventually get the car unlocked despite his struggles.

I have NO problem with the public service of the FPD and appreciate all that they do.  What I am struggling with is why the need to park his cruiser on the raised pedestrian walkway, essentially blocking it, like a complete douchebag?!

Again, from what I witnessed there was no urgency to get he vehicle unlocked, for instance, there was no child locked inside.  Therefore, WHY OH WHY did he need to park like this?  The cruiser was off.  The lights were not flashing; he was essentially parked, all be it cock-eyed.  You can see the open parking space where the rear wheels are in the first pic below, so why no take the extra 30-seconds and park like a normal person?  Maybe he struggles with parallel parking, hmmm  🤔  The FPD might otta think about having parking assist added to their cruisers for the parking challenged cops on the force...

It was lunch time, so the market was pretty busy with many people using the walkway or trying to use it! I mean honestly, think about your surrounds and others, I just can't wrap my head around it and don't understand. 

Arrogant? Clueless? Whatever the reason, how bout use some common sense next time!

Dipstick for sure!

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