Thursday, October 19, 2023

Making Changes; Improvements!

The More You Know!

I'm tossing my plastic, and perfectly fine, cutting boards!  Why you ask?  Well, let me tell yeah...

Plastic cutting boards could expose you to putting millions of microplastics into your food!

The USDA actually recommends using a wooden cutting board for everything including meat, fish and poultry.

I'm learning that plastics items in general are just not safe, especially ones in the kitchen, as they leak microplastics.  So, no more plastic storage containers for me, glass only!

Other kitchen changes I've made - no more non-stick pots & pans and aluminum (tin) foil with their cancer causing PFAS, no more plastic bottles of water. I've changed my milk, cream, butter, ketchup, mayo to organic, even the type of bread I buy.  Changed the laundry detergent I use, as well as the dryer sheets; no more Bounce. Cutting out all the bad snacks too, e.g. Cheez-Its, Goldfish, corn chips, oreos, most cereals, candy, to name just a few!  All contain too much sugar, salt, dyes, nasty chemicals and much more.

All bad news and all very bad for you!  All gone from my kitchen, my home and my lifestyle.

No wonder there are SO many health issues today and why SO many are obese and overweight.

It's quite shocking that the FDA allows this.

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