Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Well This Stinks!

 The invasion has begun, UGH!

It's that time of the year when my house becomes a magnet for Boxelder bugs and Stink bugs.  This is a yearly occurrence that has been taking place since I moved in.

The South side of the house is where they usual mass, especially once the sun hits and it warms up.  They're harmless, however, the issue is the poop they leave all over the clapboards when they gather.  Just as quickly as they appear, poof they go into hiding when it starts to cool down.

I could spend hours chasing and swatting them and often do but it doesn't make a difference or a dent in their numbers.  The problem too is that often times some fine there way into the house.  Again, they're harmless but the stink bugs in particular, stink, so if you try to remove them PHEW!  Unfortunately, the cold and freezing New England winters do not kill them.  They seem to overwinter just fine and reappear come spring to start the cycle all over again.

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