Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Look BOTH Ways Before Crossing!

This beautiful animal, a female, was hit and killed crossing Lincoln Street about a quarter mile up the road.

Earlier last week there was another one, a male and about a third larger, that met the same fate a half mile further up Lincoln.  However, that one was NOT one to be photographed, nope, very gruesome!

This one was wet from the rain so the pic doesn't do it justice but they're an absolutely beautiful, especially their fur!

For those of you who don't know, this is a Fisher Cat.

Franklin animal control was onsite Sunday morning to remove the carcass and much to my surprise he didn't load it into the truck and cart if off, rather he walked it about four feet into the wooded area off the sidewalk and laid it there.  Seems odd to me, especially placing it so close to where people pass right by it.  Would have make more sense to place it on the other side, non-sidewalk side, of the road but what do I know.  I'm still shocked to see a Franklin town employee actually out working on a Sunday morning! 

BIG paws! BIG pads and sharp claws -

Despite commonly being called "fisher cats," a Fisher is not a cat, nor do they catch fish. Fishers are the second-largest member of the weasel family found in Massachusetts, after the North American River Otter.

They are secretive and elusive by nature and like to keep their distance from humans - unless they're raiding your chicken coop!

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