Sunday, October 15, 2023

What's Up, Doc?

I harvested my carrots yesterday afternoon!

I planted an 8' row back on June 10th and they took off, see first pic. The challenge was keeping the deer and rabbits away all summer long.  Did you know that carrots are related to parsley, which explains why I had Black Swallowtail caterpillars dining and enjoying both my carrots and parsley!

Carrots seeds are so tiny, making them a challenge to plant. I gently shake them out of their package directly into the dirt and try to space them evenly, which is near impossible.  Once they start growing, you should really go through and thin them out but I didn't do that. Perhaps why there were so many different sizes, from small to large, too crowed but that's fine and about what I expected.

Here's one of the many clumps I pulled -

Half filled a basket with my haul -

Some of these will be used in my crockpot for tonight's dinner!  A nice pork loin and carrots along with some of my freshly grown potatoes, beans, peppers and garlic, mmm mmm good!

Let the peeling and dicing and chopping and preparing begin!  The aroma as it cooks will fill the house and be such a tease all day. I can almost taste it already and can't wait!

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